“Right after I took Robert’s class, things changed for me, as I had been told they would. It wasn’t about the craft of acting and method-y technique (this particular On Camera class) but rather about the practice of auditioning with confidence, knowing the medium of acting for the camera and giving yourself a break if your audition goes south (that I knew something about going into the class). Something clicked for me over the course of the 6 week, intimate class. Robert and I were not intimate, the class size was- only 6 of us. Not to be lame or kooky, but something Secret-esque clicked for me. I learned things there I never even knew I didn’t know. It is THE CLASS for solid actors who know how to act, but need to know how to audition and act for the camera. It’s the the class I wish I had taken right out of college. It will change the way you prepare for and execute auditions immediately. It will change your attitude toward the business (for the better). Robert is a gem. He is firm but compassionate, positive and funny and he knows what he’s talking about. I loved this class.”